Get access to all our recreational diving courses
Why pay $100’s for just one course? With NovoScuba every course is available as part of our Premium subscription*. So whether you are completely new to diving or want to improve your skills, we’ve got you covered.
*excludes professional courses
Dive into the vibrant DiveConnect Community, your go-to hub for connecting with fellow enthusiasts and experts! Whether you’re looking to swap stories, seek advice, or share your latest underwater adventures, our forums are buzzing with activity.
But that’s not all – enhance your skills and knowledge by tuning into our informative webinars
With DiveConnect, you’re not just exploring the depths; you’re deepening connections. Join today and start making waves in your diving journey!
Sign up Today!
NovoScuba Premium
- Every course
- Webinars
- DiveConnect
- Photo & Video library
- Dive Buddies
NovoScuba Plus
- Monthly free course
- Dive Buddies
- Intro to Scuba
- Webinars
- Every course
- Webinars
- DiveConnect
- Photo & Video library
- Dive Buddies
Learn a new skill online
with us.
Our courses were designed by the NovoScuba team, utilising decades of experience in scuba training.
Our courses are certified by ISO standards for scuba diving.
NovoScuba courses are designed to be flexible and meet the needs of individual learners.
At the end of your training, you'll receive your cert card via Apple and Google Wallet. Plus you can download a free certificate
Features list
Get access to our online logbook. With Premium membership you’ll also receive our training log book to record the skills you master
Photo and Video Library
Share your photos and videos direct from your own personal media library
Having access to all NovoScuba's courses is great! It allows me to learn so much more about scuba diving. Being new to diving, their DiveCommunity is invaluable.
Olivia Alice
100% Risk-Free Money Back Guarantee
If you’re not satisfied with NovoScuba, let us know within 14 days and we’ll refund your money. No questions asked.