A Scuba Diver’s Love Letter to Sharks

Theres a certain magic that envelopes you when you descend into the oceans depths. The water, cool and clear, envelops you in a tranquil embrace as you leave the world above behind. As a scuba diver, I’ve experienced many wonders beneath the waves, but nothing compares to the exhilarating thrill of encountering a shark.
Today, on Shark Awareness Day, I want to share my passion for these magnificent creatures and why they deserve our admiration and protection.
From the moment I took my first dive, I was hooked. The sensation of weightlessness, the kaleidoscope of colours from coral reefs, and the diverse marine life captivated me instantly. However, it was my first encounter with a shark that truly changed everything. It happened on a dive off the coast of my home country of South Africa. I remember the exact moment vividlythe shadow that glided gracefully through the water, the streamlined body moving with such effortless power. It was a reef shark, perhaps only five feet long, but to me, it felt like meeting a leviathan of legend. My initial reaction was a mix of awe and adrenaline, but as the shark swam by, I felt a profound sense of connection and peace.

Sharks have been around for over 400 million years, predating even the dinosaurs. They are the ultimate survivors, having adapted to countless changes in the environment and remaining apex predators of the ocean. Yet, despite their formidable reputation, sharks are remarkably misunderstood and often maligned. The image of the shark as a mindless, bloodthirsty killer is a myth perpetuated by movies and sensational media. In reality, shark attacks on humans are extremely rare. You are more likely to be struck by lightning than to be bitten by a shark.
What many people fail to understand is that sharks play a crucial role in maintaining the health of our oceans. As apex predators, they help keep marine ecosystems balanced. By preying on the weak and sick, they ensure that fish populations remain healthy and robust. This, in turn, supports the entire marine food web, from the smallest plankton to the largest whales. Without sharks, our oceans would be thrown into disarray, leading to the decline of many marine species and the collapse of vital ecosystems.
On Shark Awareness Day, it’s important to highlight not only the ecological importance of sharks but also their incredible diversity and beauty.

There are over 500 species of sharks, each with its unique characteristics and adaptations. From the gentle giant whale shark, the largest fish in the sea, to the elusive and bizarre goblin shark, these creatures never cease to amaze me. One of my personal favourites is the hammerhead shark, with its distinctive, T-shaped head that gives it an almost alien appearance. Watching a school of hammerheads cruise through the water is a sight to behold, their movements synchronized and graceful.
Specialising in diving with sharks for over a decade has taught me to appreciate their role as guardians of the ocean. Each encounter is a reminder of their power, grace, and the vital part they play in the marine ecosystem. However, sharks are facing unprecedented threats from human activities. Overfishing, habitat destruction, and the insidious practice of shark finning have decimated shark populations worldwide. Shark finning, in particular, is a gruesome and wasteful practice where sharks are caught, their fins are sliced off, and the rest of the body is discarded back into the ocean to die. This practice is driven by the demand for shark fin soup, a delicacy in some cultures. It’s estimated that 100 million sharks are killed every year for their fins alone. This unsustainable level of exploitation is pushing many shark species to the brink of extinction.
As a scuba diver who has experienced the wonder of sharks up close, and the incredible impact they have on every diver I have introduced to them, I feel a deep responsibility to advocate for their conservation. Shark Awareness Day is the perfect opportunity to educate others about the importance of sharks and to dispel the myths that surround them. It’s also a call to action for all of us to do our part in protecting these incredible creatures.
There are many ways you can help, even if youre not a diver. Supporting organisations that work to protect sharks and their habitats is a great start.
These groups conduct vital research, lobby for stronger conservation laws, and run campaigns to end destructive practices like shark finning. You can also make a difference through your consumer choices. Avoid products made from shark, such as shark fin soup, shark cartilage supplements, and certain cosmetics. Instead, choose sustainable seafood options and encourage others to do the same.
Raising awareness about the plight of sharks is crucial.

Share information and stories about sharks with your friends and family, and use social media to spread the word. The more people understand the importance of sharks and the threats they face, the more support there will be for their conservation. Another impactful way to help is by participating in citizen science projects. Many organizations offer programs where you can contribute to shark research by reporting sightings, collecting data, or even adopting a shark. These initiatives provide valuable information that can be used to develop effective conservation strategies.
For those who have the opportunity, diving with sharks is an experience like no other. Its a chance to see these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat and to appreciate their true nature. Many dive operators offer responsible shark diving experiences that prioritise the safety and well-being of both sharks and divers. By supporting these operators, youre also supporting local economies and conservation efforts.
Every dive with sharks reminds me of their beauty, power, and vulnerability. They are not the monsters they are often portrayed to be, but rather, they are vital members of our ocean ecosystems. They are majestic and awe-inspiring, deserving of our respect and protection.
So, on this Shark Awareness Day, I challenge you to look beyond the myths and to appreciate sharks for the incredible creatures they are. Whether its through learning more about them, supporting conservation efforts, or simply spreading the word, every action counts. Together, we can ensure that future generations will also have the chance to experience the wonder of sharks and the vibrant oceans they help sustain.
Dive into the world of sharks with an open heart and mind, and youll find that theres much more to these remarkable animals than meets the eye. Celebrate Shark Awareness Day by standing up for sharks, and join me in making a difference. The oceans guardians need our help, and its up to us to protect them.