Articolo del blog
Fern Perry

The enigma of Port and Starboard: unravelling False Bay’s orca saga

In the rich waters of False Bay, South Africa, a mysterious duo of orcas known as Port and Starboard have disrupted the balance of the marine ecosystem, sparking intrigue and concern among locals, researchers, and adventurers alike. With their unique, curved dorsal fins and a knack for targeting great white sharks, these apex predators have shaken up the region’s underwater dynamics, impacting even the popular shark-diving industry. Explore the enigma of False Bay’s most infamous orcas – from their hunting strategies and the debate over their origins to the ripple effects of their presence on one of the world’s most diverse marine habitats. Dive into this remarkable saga of predator and prey, where the rules of the ocean are rewritten.

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Palawan. Dive into a tropical underwater dreamscape

Explore Palawan, the jewel of the Philippines, where pristine waters and vibrant coral reefs await divers of all levels. From gliding over colourful coral gardens to exploring WWII wrecks in Coron Bay, Palawan offers something for everyone. Spot rare marine life like the gentle dugong, swim alongside manta rays in El Nido, or dive the world-renowned Tubbataha Reefs. This tropical paradise is more than an adventure; it’s a journey into one of the world’s richest marine ecosystems. Discover why Palawan is a must-visit for every diver, and learn how responsible diving keeps this underwater haven thriving.

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Articolo del blog
Fern Perry

Effortless efficiency: The joy of drift diving

Looking for a more effortless way to dive? Drift diving offers the perfect blend of relaxation and adventure, letting you glide through underwater landscapes while the ocean’s currents do the work. Imagine floating alongside vibrant marine life, capturing stunning views, and covering more ground without breaking a sweat. It’s the ideal way to enjoy the beauty of the ocean in a relaxed, carefree manner. So next time you dive, consider letting the current carry you—you’ll experience the underwater world like never before. Happy drifting!

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Articolo del blog
Fern Perry

Exploring the deep connection: how rivers shape marine life and enhance your scuba diving experience

Discover how rivers play a vital role in shaping the marine environments we love to explore as scuba divers. From nourishing coral reefs to supporting unique species like bull sharks and eels, the connection between rivers and seas is deeper than we think. In celebration of International River Day, learn how protecting these waterways enhances marine life and our diving experiences. Dive in to uncover the hidden links between rivers and the ocean’s vibrant ecosystems!

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Svelare il segreto di un’immersione sicura e divertente: perché il peso corretto è importante.

Scopri il segreto per dominare il tuo assetto e immergerti come un professionista!
Una corretta ponderazione non è solo una questione di sicurezza: è la chiave per un’immersione fluida, controllata e divertente.
Di’ addio all’effetto Yo-Yo e impara a mantenere un assetto e un controllo perfetti a tutte le profondità.
La nostra ultima guida approfondisce tutto ciò che devi sapere sulla scelta del giusto sistema di zavorramento e sulle differenze tra bombole in alluminio e in acciaio.
Con la giusta configurazione, potrai scivolare senza sforzo nell’acqua, risparmiare energia e goderti appieno il meraviglioso mondo sottomarino.
Sei pronto a portare le tue immersioni a un livello superiore?
Che il Trim sia con te!

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Problemi di vista sott’acqua? Ecco come vedere meglio sotto la superficie

Ti è mai capitato di annuire all’eccitazione del tuo amico per un minuscolo nudibranco colorato, mentre di nascosto strizzavi gli occhi e fingevi di vederlo?
O di lottare per leggere correttamente il computer subacqueo che hai al polso?
Unisciti a noi per scoprire perché una visione chiara è essenziale per i subacquei, dall’avvistamento di rare forme di vita marina alla sicurezza e al pieno godimento delle meraviglie sottomarine.
Che si tratti di maschere da immersione con prescrizione medica, lenti a contatto o addirittura chirurgia refrattiva, esistono soluzioni per non perdere mai gli intricati dettagli che rendono magiche le immersioni subacquee.
Sei pronto a trasformare le tue avventure subacquee?
Immergiti e vedrai la differenza!
Clicca per saperne di più e rendi indimenticabile la tua prossima immersione!

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Api marine: gli eroi non celebrati dell’impollinazione marina

Immergiti nell’affascinante mondo dell’impollinazione marina con il nostro ultimo blog post, “Le api marine: Gli eroi non celebrati dell’impollinazione marina”.
Scopri l’incredibile ruolo che le piccole creature marine svolgono negli ecosistemi sottomarini, trasportando il polline proprio come le loro controparti terrestri.
Questo articolo illuminante cambierà il tuo modo di pensare al delicato equilibrio dell’oceano.
Clicca per esplorare le meraviglie sottomarine e conoscere gli impollinatori del mare!

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Articolo del blog
Fern Perry

Empowering Diving Professionals: The Importance of Choosing the Right Training Agency

Choosing the right scuba training agency is crucial for diving professionals. Our latest blog post, “Empowering Diving Professionals: The Importance of Choosing the Right Scuba Training Agency,” delves into how the right training can elevate your skills, safety, and career opportunities. Discover the key factors to consider and why your choice matters more than ever. Click to read and take the plunge into a successful diving career!

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Articolo del blog
Fern Perry

A Scuba Diver’s Love Letter to Sharks

Explore the fascinating phenomenon of red tides, from their mesmerizing bioluminescence to the ecological impacts they can have. Learn what they are, how they form, and when you can witness these captivating yet concerning events along coastal shores.

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Articolo del blog
Sara Roncati

Why Are Sharks the Sentinels of Our Oceans?

Sharks are often misunderstood, but they are vital to the health of our oceans. Discover why sharks are considered the sentinels of the seas and learn fascinating facts about these incredible creatures. From their ancient origins and diverse species to their unique adaptations and crucial role in maintaining marine ecosystems, our latest blog post dives deep into the world of sharks. Join us at NovoScuba as we explore the awe-inspiring lives of these ocean dwellers and celebrate their importance in the marine environment.

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Articolo del blog
Fern Perry

Join the Movement: Challenge Yourself to a Plastic Free July

Every July, millions globally challenge themselves to reduce plastic use, contributing to a healthier planet. Plastic pollution, especially in our oceans, wreaks havoc on wildlife and ecosystems. By adopting simple habits like using reusable bags and bottles, you can make a significant impact. Join the Plastic Free July movement to inspire lasting change and protect our planet for future generations. Every small step countstogether, we can make a difference. Are you ready to take the plunge?

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Articolo del blog
Fern Perry

Excitement Builds As Countdown to Sardine Run 2024 Begins

As winter approaches in the Southern Hemisphere, excitement is building for one of the most spectacular natural events in South Africa – the Sardine Run. This awe-inspiring migration of millions of shimmering sardines draws adventurers, photographers, and wildlife lovers to the eastern coast each year. From Port St. Johns to Durban, the coastline prepares for the chaos of feeding frenzies, diving expeditions, and breathtaking marine encounters. Want to witness “the greatest shoal on Earth”? Discover what makes the Sardine Run a must-see event in 2024!

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