Liability Release and Assumption of Risk Agreement We know how everyone hates being bombarded by paperwork. But some things we just can’t avoid. This is one of those things. Before being able to undertake your diving or snorkelling activities with us, you will need to read and sign this legal contract.
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I, , hereby affirm that I wish to participate in scuba diving/snorkelling/freediving activities, and that I am aware that these activities have inherent risks and may result in serious injury, death, or property damage. I understand that these activities may require significant travel by land or sea, require strenuous physical activity, swimming activities and carry both specific and general inherent risks.
In consideration of being allowed to participate in such activities, I hereby personally assume all risks, both foreseen and unforeseen that may arise or befall me as a result of undertaking this activity.
In addition, I unconditionally release and discharge all liability to any dive centre/store/resort duly registered as a NovoScuba member in which I undertake any activity that forms part of my NovoScuba experience.
NovoScuba Limited (including their affiliates, agents, subsidiaries, and employees) are unconditionally released from any responsibility and liability, in any way, for any injury, death, or any other damages to me or my property. I understand and agree that this release applies not only to me, but to my family, estate, or heirs, as well as any party related in any way to me. I understand that this release applies for the participation in this activity, including travel to and from the activity, and due to any negligence of any party. I also understand that I am waiving my rights to any legal claim or lawsuit arising from my participation in this activity.
I have been provided with the NovoScuba DiveSmart Agreement , and I have read and understood these guidelines. I understand that I am taking full responsibility for myself during my participation in this activity.
I am of legal age and am competent to sign this Agreement. If required by law (due to my age or any other reason), I have acquired the written consent of a parent / legal guardian, and they have agreed to abide by the terms of this contract. I am signing this contract voluntarily and without any duress.
I agree that any signature, initials, or other indication of assent provided electronically or digitally in connection with this Agreement shall have the same legal effect as a handwritten signature, and shall be considered valid and binding to the same extent as a signature executed on paper.
Parent or Guardian Confirmation